Learn the 5 steps you need to take To Accomplish any Goal without letting self-Sabotage stop you.
Is there something you REALLY want to do or have, but you don't know where to start? 

The starting point of all achievement begins with a desire. The fastest and easiest way to attain it, whether a physical item or an experience, is to use Goal Templates. 

Goal Templates provides you with...
  • A Printable Goal Template: After more than a decade of research and experimentation, I perfected a multi-step process used to accomplish ANY goal. 
  • Online Training: Learn by watching videos online that describe how to use the process to accomplish your goal quickly and efficiently. 
  • Community Support:​ Gain access to a private Facebook group for support throughout the process.
  • Valuable Life Skill: To improve your quality of life.
Why Goal Templates?
After discovering the power of the written goal (a story I share during the online training), I devoured books to learn how and why it works. I became obsessed with discovering why some goals would be accomplished super quickly while others took longer. Experimenting with many different techniques, I uncovered specific tools to speed up the process. 

Then, I decided to put everything I learned, together in one place to make it easy to use, over and over again. With a simple and beautiful design in hand, I began plugging away at my goals. Wow...was I blown away! Magic began to happen everywhere I went. Life became so exciting! I couldn't stop talking about it.

Goal Templates will save you time, money and anguish. We've tested it over and over again. It is simple. It works.  Experience it for yourself. Learn the process then repeat it over and over again on whatever goal you desire. No matter how big or small. It truly is a life skill that EVERYONE show know how to do.
“If you’re bored with life – you don’t get up every morning with a burning desire to do things – you don’t have enough goals.”  – Lou Holtz
How and why synchronicity and coincidences occur.
How thoughts and positivity create your life.
Your power by running your own thought experiments.
Simple & Effective, yet 
Deep & Meaningful
Goal Templates gets you from where you are, to where you want to go. Don't worry about obstacles or self-sabotage, you will experience on the journey, Goal Templates prepares you for them in advance. 

After going through the process of using Goal Templates, you will live with intention and purpose. Suddenly your life will become like a movie that you are acting in, where you already know the ending, but not the plot. This is where the excitement begins! The plot will develop as you move.

You can use Goal Templates over and over again to accomplish any goal. Once you have the knowledge and experience, you will have the confidence and power to live the life you desire. Life is so freaking fun when you are a Goal Templater!
“If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy and inspires your hopes.” —Andrew Carnegie
Once You Learn How It Works,
Join The Movement Where Our Motto Is:
Experience Success Using Goal Templates!
"We had our first undefeated season!"
"I won two races during a regatta even though I was a novice!"
"I became an All American sprinter in my 40s despite having never run in college!"
Invest in your future. You deserve it!
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This is an AMAZING LIMITED TIME OFFER to learn a valuable life skill that will improve your quality of life!

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ONE TIME OFFER: Take advantage of this one time BONUS VIDEO offer SO YOU CAN learn 7 ways to cultivate a positive mindset in children that will support and encourage them to live their best life for only $3 more.

Dynamically Updated
Goal Templates is
brought to you by:
Alison Manternach
Alison Lee, RN, BSN, MSA, ACSM-CPT has vast knowledge and experience in the health care field. She has been in the fitness industry since 1992, a nurse since 1998 and in the natural health movement since 2007. She has been published in peer-reviewed medical journals and presented workshops to medical executives, physicians, nurses, teachers and elite athletes. She is passionate about using psychology, nutrition and movement as tools to maximize human potential. Successful in reaching her own goals, she is also a three time All American (60 meter dash) and a nationally ranked master's sprinter who won two golds (100 and 200 meter dash) at the 2015 VA Commonwealth Games. Since 2013, she has owned and operated Eyewitness Fitness, LLC.
“Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move.
Nothing will be impossible for you.” - Jesus Christ (Matthew 17:20)
MISSION: Co-create world peace, one person at a time, by providing wellness lifestyle education.

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